Weight Loss Challenge Part 2: It has BEGUN

2:15 PM

Yup I cannot stand myself just sitting around and watching my flat-ish stomach and the tightened half ab line get loose. I literally cannot stand myself like this so Friday posts are going to change into Weight Loss Challenges again!! I hope you guys are still up for this. I stopped writing these posts after summer ended... So that's about two months ago. This week, I have been dieting since Wednesday and my current weight is 128 pounds. From my description, you guys might have thought that I gained weight but I actually kept might weight between 128 and 129... It's just everything that I've tightened over the summer became super loose and that makes me so sad... My goal weight is still 105 pounds. I want my weight to get to this before the summer of college. I hope you guys will still support me because I know I'm really inconsistent with things like this and the support that I got from Part 1 was very amazing. Ma bean army's support means a lot to me. Thank you!! Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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