WTF Wednesday: Open Mic Fan Fiction KCON LA 2015

9:00 AM

I would like to post what the fan fic was about but that would ruin my no sexual content streak... *Insert awkward laugh here*... Seriously though okay here is what happened... KCon LA ended last Sunday while I cried on my bed that I didn't go and this morning when I checked my phone the next day, this was literally everywhere. There was a OPEN MIC 18+ FAN FICTION READING at KCon LA this year.

Hold on. Let me go and stab myself multiple times and smash my brain for reading what the fan fic was about. Just know that it has something to do with Baekyun and Chen. I never understood or read even on fan fiction. Why would you ship two guys together? Like they never said that they were together, so why are you shoving them together sexually??
I do get that hey Chanyeol and Baekyun looks cute together LIKE BROTHERS, but fan fiction is just wayyyyy to much. A while back, some fan sent Chanyeol a fan fiction and it was BY ACCIDENT!!! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?? That was an accident which is understandable but this is ON PURPOSE!! By reading this, you are just grossing out the people around you, and making others feel uncomfortable. Imagine reading Fifty Shades of Grey in public where your parents are. You wouldn't would you, BECAUSE IT MAKES OTHER PEOPLE FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE!! This made me very glad that I wasn't there to participate this year but imagine if the fan fiction was about the group that was performing that day. You won't get their attention but you would just gross them out.
I don't see any purpose in the Open Mic from a business perspective. First, it doesn't attract more people to the event, you guys are literally building a bad reputation for yourself. Second, because of this stunt, maybe idols wouldn't want to come to KCon anymore. This is gonna spread in the KPop world and this will give the KPop fans a bad reputation of writing gross things and making idols read them. I thought that this year's KCon couldn't go anymore perfect with all of the lineups even though Jackson wasn't here, but it wasn't because IT ENDED ON THE LOWEST AND GROSSEST NOTE EVER!! I'm not against writing fan fiction because it takes a lot of creativity, but I don't ever want to read one or hear one at an even that I paid to go to. I hope this tradition doesn't last. Until next time, stay cool ma beans.  

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