Star Sightings: Amber + Tao + GOT7

11:09 PM

Being in LA is honestly the best thing ever!! Even though the weather is crazy (technically the whole world's weather is crazy because of global warming...) I still gotta say... I'm pretty happy with all of the celebrities that are produced from here. Recently as all of you know, Tao recently moved to LA to stay with his mom, and I just happen to know exactly where is he staying because my dad's studio is one block from that house. Did I actually go and knock?? No, I need to respect his privacy. GOD PEOPLE!!

From his Instagram, all of the places he's been to so far, I've been there also, which is awwweeeesomeeee. It's great that I get to share a part of my favorite city with him. Next I've got Amber from f(x), she recently posted a picture of her at a burger restaurant and that restaurant is two blocks from my weekend/vacation house.
Real life Go Mi Nam... 
I've went there once or twice but I never thought that Amber would go there!!! AHHHH I now need to go and stalk her.... JK.... But I seriously love her!!! I saved the best for last of course, GOT7. Here is the thing, Mark Tuan graduated from my high school, and his little brother graduated last year. Well, there has been some controversy over whether Mark graduated or not, and no he did not. He was scouted by JYPEntertainment in high school and so he technically dropped out of high school when he was in 10th grade. So now you guys know!!
You know what the best part is?? One of my friend's mom works with Mark's mom, so literally, she gets free access to them 24/7. SOOOO JELLLYYYYY.... Remember how sometime around 2 months ago, GOT7 came back to LA to visit?? Yea, she got to go their house, and take pictures with them... She literally is the coolest person that I know because she has the most recent news on GOT7. Rumor has it that they are planning on coming to KCon LA.... Is it true?? It's a maybe... So that's the end of my KPop star sightings... Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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