Instagram Creepers

10:36 PM

As you all know, I reactivated my old KPop Instagram account, then I private it, a couple of times since the time that I reactivated it. Yup. I got creeped out by all you beans out there. Even though I am not following back most of you.

Okay I have my reasons. I seriously did follow all of the people that followed me on the first day. But then I got so many more followers that I cannot possibly follow you guys all back. But then, what you guys don't know is that I check out each and everyone of you who likes my pictures. And let me tell you, I am so creeped out that I'm considering deactivating my account again.
Beans, I seriously suggesting you guys to private your accounts. My account is public because I'm a blogger, and I don't post personal stuff on there. My normal Instagram account is private, so yours should be too. Some of you guys (literally guys) followed me, and there is half naked work out gym pictures everywhere and yet you are liking pictures of Kim Woo Bin on my Instagram.
It's super cute, but I see this, and I feel obligated to post more female KPop groups now. You guys are the pretty cool guys that I seriously would be friends with if I met you, but then there are people who post very inappropriate pictures and then comment on my pictures... yea my best friends who are following my account to support me are unfollowing me. So ma beans, please try to keep the pictures clean. And just for this weekend, IDK what is up, but MBCKPop has decided to leave last night's Music Core on, and may I say, MinHo is looking faaaiinnneeee as the MC. So go check that out like right now because MBC might private it again. So hurry up here is the link: Leave this blog right now and go watch it because Hotshot's Watch Out is the first song. And you def don't wanna miss that. I also want to thank you guys for literally reading my posts so much that I get around 50 views per day, so I LOVE YOU!!! I will try to post more on my life from now on, now that I've gotten everything done. Until next time, good night ma beans because I'm going movie watchin with ma bff tomorrow and yea, don't forget to stay cool. 

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