Deep Thoughts Monday: Sexuality
9:00 AMThis year on my speech team, I've seen many speeches on sexuality, and I remember this one speech where this girl's mother confronts her daughter and says, "It is okay for you to like girls because you can fit in with the trend. I understand." Then yesterday one of my favorite YouTube starts came out in a vlog. My friends all told me that "it is expected" but really, is it? He grew up around only his sister and mother, so without a doubt, he does not have a father figure in his life, so his actions are a little feminine, so what?? Does that really mean that he is gay? I'm happy that he came out in such a creative way, and finally that he has found himself, but the whole expectation thing and the whole peer pressure thing may have caused some people to come out when in reality, they are not gay or lesbian. As a society we just need to stop stereotyping people into groups and creating the pressure that turns them into something they are not. When a certain amount of pressure is applied to sand, it turns into glass, just like how us as a society is changing the way that people are behaving. Sexuality is something that is private, and should not be affected by anyone else in anyway. Even when they do come out, some may suicide after a few days or weeks, and is that really necessary? No it isn't, these are things that we can prevent just by treating them no differently than before and giving them support and not pity. So until next time, stay cool ma beans.