Deep Thoughts Monday: Those Attention Hogs

12:06 AM

OLO am beans! Welcome to another Deep Thoughts Monday!! Today let up hit up the teenage world instead of the usual mature topics that I tackle. Let's focus on attention hogs (I wanted to be respectful and not use the W word). First let's see if you are a attention hog or not. So I set up a questionaire for all of you:

1. Do you think your laugh is the most exaggerated laugh and sometime the loudest amoung your friends?
2. Are you always trying to make up stories and other interesting things that you did and telling them to your friends?
3. Are you always trying to follow the most popular trends?
4. Do you friend people who are more  "average" than you?
5. Do you ever set down your things extremely exaggerated and loud just so your friends knows that you are here?
6. Do you always get good grades in your classes just so you can "talk" and by talk I mean brag about it TO your friends?
7. Do you want people who you are talking to to make eye contact with you?
8. Do you stop talking when the person you are speaking to starts doing something else?
If you answered any 3 of these questions above, then CONGRATULATIONS... YOU ARE A ATTENTION HOG!! Everyone has that part of them that craves for attention, but a lot of us might be one without thinking much about it. That's right I said "us". This means, me and you and everyone is sometimes an attention hog. I actually have two attention hogs in my life that I hate, but I still have to put up with it. Let's start with my favorite, X. So X is a natural at this, she doesn't even need to try. On numerous occasions she would barge in on a conversation, and answer questions that other people were asking me, not only that but she almost hits you while she laughs. Great girl. Everyday she would come to my lunch group last, when everyone is seated down and say, "OH MY GOD!!! BLAH BLAH IS SO STUPID!!! I AM SO DONE!!" Then sit down, it's the same thing everyday, and we all got used to it. JK. Everyone hates her. She also has this on and off bondage with this guy. See how I didn't even say "relationship" basically it is "OMFG I HATE HIM!!!" to "HE DID THE CUTEST THING TODAY!" Like please, we don't care... Let me use a recent event that occurred, so her dad got into a car accident, and so she began telling people about it to get sympathy points. Don't worry, I gave the get well soon wishes. How did I come to this conclusion? Well, when my grandfather had cancer, I didn't tell anyone, just so people won't pity me. The point is that there was no point in telling other people about the accident because first that doesn't help with anything, it's not like the words "I'm sorry" or "I feel so bad for you" going to help him get any better. Maybe yes, it might help you, but you seem perfectly fine when people are not around you. I still pass you and see you texting and laughing. Trust me, you will be fine without those words. Here is a piece of advice X, don't keep on thinking that your friends are just going to get bored of you and leave. Stop trying to catch other people's attention!!!!! Second person I want to talk about of course is D. D is beginning to copy my behavior and trying to replicate myself on to her. So what she does is she starts to ask me questions about my favorite Korean bands and what I'm currently listening to, then she starts to listen to the exact songs. She even prepares pictures for me everyday so she can show me!!!! I guess that's just her way of trying to fit in, but get this... She invades every single conversation that I have. Please stop lol. It's not cool to answer questions that others are asking me. 

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