Deep Thoughts Monday: Movies VS Actual Spring Break

11:58 AM

Movies like the Spring Breakers, or any movies with girls getting guys during a very short break is very unrealistic. If I can do that, I would have like 5 million boyfriends. Okay, yea I know that movies are suppose to have unrealistic standards. But to be honest, everyone wants a life like that. I bet you've watched some movie before and was like, "Hm. I want to swim in a pool with hot guys and be stuck in a love triangle. Like just let it happen once." Don't you agree? Well I definitely do. The female heroin always gets the guy and the whole world revolves around her. Not even movies, you can see this in TV shows like Elana and Stephan and Damon. I was so jealous of her. Until I realized that everyone around her were somehow hurt and and its usually because of her. In Korean dramas, the main girl is usual super poor and her mom probably died when she was how ever many years old. Then she magically runs into some super hot douchebag guy that actually have a sweet interior and they get married. Blah blah blah. This spring break, I'm not looking for that perfect spring break. There should be moments where you can daydream but there should also be times when you work, not watinging for someone else to make your fairytale ending happen, but creating it yourself. Tell me when you find your perfect spring break moment. I want to know your goals of how spring break should really be. Comment on this blog or use the Facebook page, I don't care. Share your thoughts. Until then, stay cool ma beans. 

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