Weight Loss Challenge: Week 5

9:00 AM

My current weight is 130 pounds, and I have lost 2 pounds since last week. I am currently using 4 videos which are from Blogilate's 5 minute collection. I'm planning on using these videos until my body no longer shakes.

That's when I'll move on to the next set of 6 minute work outs. Normally I write this on Friday mornings but it's better to write about the pain right when you experience it. I seriously think that working out along with Cassie is a lot better than working by myself because I messed up on the reverse crunches big time and so for the 30 days that I've been doing them, I wasn't actually working on any body part specifically. The thigh workouts are always my favorite because it is the easiest to do them.
I'm still a lazy butt even though I want to lose weight. This week I've also started using this app called "Lose It" it is a completely free app. I wanted to find Jenn's "The Eatery" to track the things that I eat but I couldn't find the app. I have had a Lose It account since last year but I've never actually used it. You basically enter your height, birthday, starting weight, current weight, goal weight, gender, how many pounds you want to lose every week, then the app will calculate the daily calorie budget and the exact date when you will reach your goal weight.
They have a option to enter what you ate for your 3 meals and it will come up with the amount of calories. Right now my diet is basically the Girls Generation diet which is 1,500 calories. My budget is only 1,477 calories... A little less but it doesn't really make a difference. Personally, I think dieting does work more effectively than just plain exercising because every two days with the diet, I would lose 1 pound. You might think that you would be super hungry and think that 1,500 calories is very little but you can actually eat A LOT with 1,500 calories, it just depends on what you spend the calories on. On a daily basis, I would spend around 200 calories on Breakfast, 500 on Lunch, 600-800 on dinner, and 0 on snacks. So far, I've been very successful. Dieting isn't as gruesome as dieting pill companies say. I will reach my goal of 105 pounds on January 25, 2016. Let's go for 30 and stay cool ma beans. 

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