Reaction Tuesday: EXID

9:48 AM

OLO ma beans!! There has been a lot of news about EXID.

With them arriving in LA.... Huihuihui... Where I am right now... Anyways, so if y'all haven't heard, they arrived at LA and then TMZ got a video of them getting off of the plane, and when they were greeting members in English, TMZ was all like, they had accents and stuff. OkAY TMZ, lets talk about you guys for a second. You guys are a celebrity website, and you need to do your research before putting out videos because KPop fans often don't only like one band, and plenty of us speak English. We come from all over the world. So if you guys post something like that, there is going to be A LOT of hate. And why are you guys asking one of the Asian employees where she was born in the video?? LOL... What if she's not Korean?? I remember that not so long ago Mariah Carey went to Seoul for a concert and the people who attended said that she didn't put in any effort. This appeared on multiple KPop news websites, and yet, KPop fans are defending her. She didn't know how to speak Korean and we didn't laugh about it. Here is the link to that article. So what's the difference?? 
Let's move on... EXID made a comeback and it was wonderful!! Ah Yeah is officially on my playlist as one of the greatest songs eber!! The whole song is super catchy and their outfits are just too cute!! I also like how they didn't save the rap until the end unlike most songs do. One thing that I like to question though is the beginning of the song. If you are a English speaker, there is a guy whispering, "Where do you live? Do you live alone?" UHHHHHH EXCUSE ME????? SHADY MUCH??? Like if you are trying to be sexual... It's not working... But then... The actual song comes in and everything is fine. I kinda noticed another trend... Someone pointed out online that in Miss A's Only You... At I think 0:37 or something like that if you listen closely there is a man screaming in the background. I listened to the track several times and found that the man might have been screaming in many parts of the song. Are they the same guy?? No one really knows... Maybe men who can scream are popular in the KPop industry. So guys who can scream or can be very stalker-like, go to Korea!!! JK... Don't actually do that. For the song, I definitely give them a 8 out of ten stars just because the beginning makes me uncomfortable but the song is seriously good. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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