Bad News About My Eyes

11:38 PM

Most of you don't know this but I am extremely blind, not literally but my eyes are both 700 degrees, and if my eyesight keeps on getting worse then I would need to get Lasik eye surgery before I go to college which means that there will be a high risk of side effects. In addition to that, I'm trying my best to rest my eyes everyday, but seeing that I'm still blogging at 11:30 isn't really helping my situation. Don't worry though, I'm not just going to stop blogging... That will never happen, but I'm going to limit the amount that I post from now on to only two post per day. Also, I had to go to a ceremony today and by accident I scraped my eyeball with my nails, like not the eyelid but the eyeball. My right eye now has this red bloody spot in the corner, so I think I'm going to rest for a few days. It's actually pretty uncomfortable... I will make sure to have posts all scheduled for everyday at 9:00 A.M. so even during the memorial weekend you guys can follow me around when I go visit the Getty Center. I will be back on track after one week. Of course I finished my interview for this upcoming week's Project Inspiration. I actually think that this is one of the biggest interviews that I've scored since it is one of the most popular KPop pages on Facebook, so please come back next Thursday for that. I am seriously excited for you guys to meet these amazing people that started this page. Until next time, stay cool ma beans, and good night. 

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