Q & A Thursday: Finals in High School

8:48 PM

Most of the online stuff like "Wiki-How" or Yahoo answers don't really give you an exact answer when you ask them how to take fast notes or how to study for finals, so I am here to offer you help!

Q: How do you take really fast notes?
A: Try to type them up outline style and only type the things that you think are important. If it is possible, try to find some kind of a powerpoint on the things that you are taking notes on, then take it from there.
Q: How much notes is too much?
A: When you are copying down all of the words on that page that you are reading, then it is too much notes.
Q: Does notes help with tests?
A: This all depends on the teacher that you have, for example my regular biology teacher only uses the notes in class. And if you are taking your first AP class, then self studying is a must. Most of the AP teachers don't really help you, so you have to self study everything.
Q: How do you study for finals?
A: I try to practice and memorize everything as much as possible, then when the time comes just be calm and think logically because most of the time, logic applies to everything. You just need to apply what you know to that problem and make sure that you read all of it, then you will be fine. 
Q: Do you write flashcards for finals?
A: Most of the time, the amount of vocabulary is too much, so I do not suggest writing flashcards, so what I would suggest is to go online and try to find flashcards. 
That's all I can think of, comment down below for some study tips that you want to hear!!

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